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– Hotel Sunroute Asakusa 【Ofiicial site】-

Hotel Sunroute Asakusa

Our hotel is Only fire-resistant, safe and secure building

Our hotel is Only fire-resistant, safe and secure buildings that have cleared strict certification standards are approved.
*Only 11 facilities are certified in the Asakusa area
(As of March
30 2020)

Hotel staff regularly conduct fire drills and work on disaster prevention and fire prevention.

Firefighting training.
This is currently under inspection.

『Yu mark』

『conformity mark』

*『Yu mark』 is Recognized as superior in terms of fire protection Proof of a safe and secure building.

What is the Yu mark system? The Excellent Fire Prevention Property Certification Indication System (commonly known as the Excellent Mark System) is to display a mark ( excellent mark ) indicating that the building is fire-resistant, safe and secure on buildings recognized by the chief of the fire department as being excellent in terms of fire prevention. It is a system that can The excellent mark is a proof of a safe and secure building recognized as being excellent in terms of fire prevention.

*What is the 『conformity mark』?

Based on applications from hotels, inns, etc., firefighting agencies examine them, and if they comply with certain standards for fire prevention and disaster prevention stipulated in the Fire Service Act and Building Standards Act, the Fire Safety Mark is issued. In addition, facilities that have been issued a certification mark can post the certification mark on their front desks, on their websites, etc. Facilities eligible for the Good Mark System have three or more floors, excluding basement floors, and have a capacity of 30 or more people.